despite, or because of their homosexuality, been able to attain positions of eminence in scientific or artistic fields of endeavor, might tend to fall in this group.

(3) Although it is frequently taken for granted that the homosexual is a non-conformist, universally rejecting authority, these findings show that such non-conformity is not necessarily generalized. Non-conformity in sexual patterns may be accompanied by complete conformity, in other attitudes and behaviors.

In conclusion, it should be stressed that the problem of male homosexual typology is a very difficult and perplexing one, and that its solution will not be found by the use of a single testing instrument such as the one used in this study. It may, and I hope it will be found by intensive clinical social studies of individuals and groups in the total homosexual culture.



in the next issue

In North Carolina, an attorney who has studied all aspects of statutes relating to the "crime against nature," has recommended that these laws be replaced by a modern, simplified code. Protection for society against those activities considered harmful and detention of persons capable of dangerous antisocial behavior are called for in the recommended new code. A critical review of the article has been written by another attorney in Washing ton, D. C., exclusively for the next

issue of Mattachine Review.

From Pennsylvania, attention has been given to the circumstances and


MARCH * 1955

developments of the trial of John D. Provoo, whose conviction for reason and life sentence were reversed by the U. S. Court of Appeals in New York. An article in the next issue will bring into sharp focus the court's unanimous decision that the government had no right to cross-examine the former army sergeant on a collateral issue of homosexuality.


Aspects of the causes and conditions of sex variation related to medicine and religion will appear in other articles, together with the first installment of a challenging story of "Sex in the World of Tomorrow."

mattachine REVIEW



BOOK review

Flight from Masculinity....


(By Frederick E. 'Kidder, MA., Graduate Student, Department' of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley.)

(Sex and Morality, by Abram Kardner. Indianapolis, BobbsMerrill Company, 1954. 266 pp. $3.00) 266,pp.


THE distinguished clinical professor of psychiatry at

Columbia University, Dr. Abram Kardiner, here extends the exploration of sex customs in two dimensions not studied by Freud or Kinsey: sex custom in relation to the total social context and--in terms of motion--how sex custom changes and why.

Since "the whole question of sex morality pivots about the behavior of the female, not the male," Kardiner looks at the changing role of women in Western society and points out the effect that the rise of feminism and the" female quest for "self-fulfillment" have had on moral standards' and sexual custom.

He analyzes in detail and with the perception characteristic of his five books and numerous articles, prostitution, homosexuality, and the "flight from masculinity.", He considers Kinsey's work on the male "valuable because the unit of study was better standardized; the one on the fem le is "wholly mis leading."


In a concluding chapter he sets forth his own ideas on how to regulate sex custom so that it serves the ends of sócial expediency and does not jeopardize personal happiness. In so doing he does not duplicate in any way the analyses of Isabel Drummond (1) or Seward Hiltner (2), 23